1. Last beverage :ice lemon tea
2. Last phone call : smalam kot!!
3. Last text message : sok jumpe kat karaoke box ok..kasi pecah studio!!
4. Last song you listened to : ku undur cinta-fairuz selamat(bukan bodek erk)
5. Last time you cried :2 years ago..mase my uwan(nenek) past away!! sob!!sob!!
6. Dated someone twice : complicated
7. Been cheated on : yup...
8. Kissed someone & regretted it : complicated
9. Lost someone special : complicated
10. Been depressed : complicated
11. Been drunk and threw up : tak kan
13. White
14. Red
15. Made a new friend : ade..banyak gak!!!
16. Fallen out of love : yes
17. Laughed until you cried : xder....
18. Met someone who changed you : yeah
19. Found out who your true friends were : YES.!!!
20. Found out someone was talking about you :xyah arr
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list : erk.. complicated
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life : xpenah kire plax
23. How many kids do you want to have : 5
24. Do you have any pets : yup... cat...
25. Do you want to change your name : xmau..name aku sedap dah!!
26. What did you do for your last birthday : ade kelas muzik....
27. What time did you wake up today : 6am.....
28. What were you doing at midnight last night : kat rumah jerk....online fb sampai pagi!!
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for : my bussiness,my car,my house & nak jadi kayo!!
30. Last time you saw your Mother : baru 5 minit tadi..masuk bilik den amik gunting
31. What is 1 thing you wish you could change about your life : my attitude..!!
32. What are you listening to right now :ngah dgr lagu pussycats-i hate this part
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom :ader
34. What's getting on your nerves right now :kelas perakaunan....arrgghh..silap kire mati den!!
35. Most visited webpage : blog aku ler!!
36. Whats your real name : Murni aimi marlina kaharuddin
37. Nicknames :aimi,adik,murni,emy
38. Relationship Status : tu rahsia kot!!
39. Zodiac sign :aries
40. Male or female? : female
41. Elementary : -
42. Middle School? : -
43. High school/college? : Unitar Petaling kaya
44. Hair colour : black+brown
45. Long or short : long!
46. Height : 165cm
47. Do you have a crush on someone? : many...
48. What do you like about yourself? : talent
49. Piercings : xder lah....
50. Tattoos : xder...xkan den buek lah
51. Righty or lefty :-
52. First surgery : 1996...kepala pecah heheh..accident jatuh tangga kat sekolah!!
53. First piercing : xder langsung
54. First best friend :xsilap aku farzana!!
55. First sport you joined : kalau 1st..sukanneka lah..spot gak kan?..tiup belon kasi pecah!!
56. First vacation :zoo negara!!...xder tpt lain bapak aku nak bawak...
58. First pair of trainers : adidas…
59. Eating : dah tadi
60. Drinking :pun tadi
61. I'm about to : rest playing my guitar!!
62. Listening to : mak bagi ceramah kat abg aku!!
63. Waiting on :bufering utube..bapak an lambat lah!!
64. Want kids? : mesti lah..suke bebudak ni.....love kids heheh
65. Get Married? : tu semestinyer
66. Career? : chef!!
67. Lips or eyes : eyes…
68. Hugs or kisses : both…
69. Shorter or taller : taller!
70. Older or Younger : older…
71. Romantic or spontaneous : both…
72. Nice stomach or nice arms : both…
73. Sensitive or loud : loud…
74. Hook-up or relationship : relationship…
75. Trouble maker or hesitant : trouble maker…
76. Kissed a stranger : xpenah
77. Drank hard liquor : never…
78. Lost glasses/contacts : nope…
79. Sex on first date : pe nih!!
80. Broken someone's heart : ade..sorry erk!!
82. Been arrested : ermm...
83. Turned someone down : kesukaan hehhe
84. Cried when someone died : yes..
85. Fallen for a friend? : yup…
86. Yourself : mesti arr
87. Miracles : yup…
88. Love at first sight : yup…
89. Heaven : yup…
90. Santa Claus : x..dogeng citer ko!!..den tggu x dtg pon...
91. Kiss on the first date : xder..mak aku kiss aku ader arr
92. Angels : tipu jo tu....
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time :setakat ni 1 hehhe
95. Did you single today? :mmg dari dulu da single
96. Ever cheated on somebody : yeahh
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? : tak nak!!
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? : tak nak arr..buat susah jerk
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? :takut cikit!!
100. Posting this as 100 truths? : okay!!.....